Thursday, September 23, 2010

can valium be snorted, efficacy?

Yes, a valium can be snorted. It will have pretty much alike effect as taking them orally, merely a bit faster.
Just do it in moderation, snorting pills is enormously addictive. People who do too many Valium or Xanax are similar to narcoleptic zombies.
To those who wonder what efficacy is:
and another:
I wouldn't snort it, just rob it as printed on the bottle.
I do it all the time next to tamazapan, a drug in the valium clan. To control the dosage of a capsule.
It isn't too impossible.
why would you want to? and what is efficacy??
Get a hold of your habit past it gets a firm hold on you. First comes the pills, next the pills combined with other pills, after combined with alcohol, consequently with drugs by other routes resembling injected drugs or snorted drugs. When you reach this stage, if you are lucky plenty to survive, you either stop up in top-security prison, dead, or within a mental institution. If you are smart, you will stop now.
Trust me we adjectives have difficulties. Love yourself first. Talk to someone just about it. Try one of those hotlines that you don't have to furnish out your name. Have a dutiful life. Don't rubbish it snorting valium.
i wouldnt snort it, you see your nasal membranes might get artificial, you may not be able to breathe properly or you may enjoy sinus drainage. why would you want to snort it?
maybe you want it to stroke faster compared to when you digest it. i understand.
i dont know but why would you want to do such a entity

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