Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can someone please narrate me why patients on morphine medication can't go through lung biopsy?

Morphine is a cardiovascular and respiratory depressant, meaning that it slows down the number of breathes a being takes a minute. This is portion of the reason, why a personage taking morphine must be careful next to ODing on morphine.
When a lung biopsy is performed, a local anethesitic is used as in good health as a general is requested. However, because of the tons dangers that can progress along with a lung biopsy (lung puncture, collapse etc.) someone who have depressed breathing already may not be able to survive any of the complications.
Because it could gun down them.
Morphine suppresses cardiovascular function.
Thought patients on morphine medication are considered to be under hospice already.
Morphine and anethesia will shut down the body completely and they will die
because morphine is a respiratory depressant

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