Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Collections of audacity cell bodies surrounded by the brain are call??

nuclei refer to collections of cell bodies contained by the CNS and ganglia refer to collections of cell bodies within the PNS
They are called neurons.
These are neurons
It's call nuclei or centers
NEUROGLIA.model answer.
They are generally referred to as nucleus. Some examples include the deep cerebellar nucleus, the pedunculo-pontine nuclei, the red nucleus, etc.
d. centre or nuclei
Nuclei are unmyelinated somas located contained by the CNS. Ganglia are myleinated soma located in the PNS. For example, the cortex of the brain is grey due to unmyelinated nucleus. Under the cortex is white due to myelination of oligodendrocytes.
I have well-educated that collections of nerves are called ganglion while individual nerves are neurons.

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